Well attended, international Multiplier Event at the Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” in Iași
On Friday, 16 June 2023, the multiplier event for the distribution of the results of the project „Sustainable Fashion Curriculum at Textile Universities in Europe-Development, Implementation and Evaluation of a Teaching Module for Educators“, Fashion DIET, funded by the EU Commission within the Erasmus program, took place in Iași, Romania.
The program of the event outlined the main themes of the project and focused mainly on the presentation of the module for education for sustainable development by the project partners. The project partners comprehensively address sustainable aspects related to education, production, and consumption of textile products in a significant number of lectures.

Figure 1: Opening of the Multiplier Event at the Ramada Hotel in Iași, Romania, by Prof. Dr. Mirela Blaga (image centre) with colleagues of the TUIASI.
The project team introduced participants to Glocal Campus, a Moodle platform available for documenting courses on textile topics at various levels of study.

Figure 2: Group photo of the organisers with participants from Romania and the Republic of Moldova.
The 56 participants were mainly composed of primary and high school teachers, as well as university professors from Romania and the Romanian-speaking part of the neighbouring country, the Republic of Moldova. The project team and the Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” (TUIASI) staff participated as well. Some students were also involved in the organisation of the event as volunteers with great commitment.

Figure 3: University professors as well as primary and high school teachers took an active part in the event.
In addition to the presentation of the project results, it was very enriching to listen to the presentations of the guests who presented their nationally or internationally funded projects and their practises in implementing sustainability aspects in their local curricula. This created an excellent basis for the exchange of opinions, ideas and possible future joint activities. Topics such as recycling, reuse, textile waste management and circular economy were presented. The dialogue between the participants resulted in positive comments from the audience that enhanced the event and the project outcomes.
The cultural event in the form of a joint lunch rounded off the event in a nice and friendly atmosphere, which was maintained by the local food, wine and hospitality.
Fashion DIET consortium, June 2023